Clarkston, Washington Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Clarkston, WA for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

11497 properties found in Clarkston, WA Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at ArchTurnings Address Directory.

Street starts with:

43 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
2ND AVE 39 148
2ND ST 147 620
3RD AVE 47 152
3RD ST 164 814
4TH AVE 69 270
4TH ST 179 775
5TH AVE 52 196
5TH ST 172 837
6TH AVE 121 1,277
6TH ST 290 1,563
7TH AVE 46 208
7TH ST 226 1,326
8TH AVE 23 84
8TH ST 218 1,124
9TH AVE 66 313
9TH ST 250 1,144
10TH AVE 49 223
10TH ST 229 1,201
11TH AVE 21 105
11TH ST 170 774
12TH AVE 21 104
12TH ST 182 850
13TH ST 262 1,520
14TH ST 111 701
15TH ST 118 580
16TH AVE 80 361
16TH ST 150 667
17TH ST 42 190
18TH AVE 63 256
18TH ST 100 403
19TH ST 53 235
20TH AVE 55 324
20TH ST 100 446
21ST AVE 22 75
21ST ST 42 115
22ND AVE 20 82
22ND ST 56 201
23RD ST 20 106
24TH AVE 17 72
24TH ST 57 229
25TH ST 61 295
26TH ST 29 181
27TH ST 39 143
Street starts with: