Depew, Oklahoma Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Depew, OK for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

807 properties found in Depew, OK Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at ArchTurnings Address Directory.

Streets in Depew, OK

Street Properties Residents
201ST ST 6 10
211TH ST 12 21
221ST ST 4 4
231ST ST 27 71
241ST ST 7 13
246TH PL 4 10
246TH ST 10 27
251ST ST 21 41
261ST ST 20 40
271ST ST 13 39
281ST ST 9 18
291ST ST 9 26
301ST ST 19 45
301ST WEST AVE 1 3
311TH ST 24 52
321ST ST 3 6
385TH WEST DR 9 32
401ST ST 1 1
417TH WEST AVE 35 87
433RD WEST AVE 34 93
449TH WEST AVE 28 71
465TH WEST AVE 46 125
481ST WEST AVE 22 38
488TH WEST AVE 9 18
497TH WEST AVE 18 37
513TH WEST AVE 7 10
529TH WEST AVE 9 20
533RD WEST AVE 2 6
545TH WEST AVE 1 1
800 RD 1 1
3580 RD 3 5
HIGHWAY 16 1 3
HIGHWAY 66 28 59
MAIN ST 29 53
OLD HIGHWAY 66 14 26
RR 1 72 94