Interlachen, Oregon Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Interlachen, OR for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

4856 properties found in Interlachen, OR Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at ArchTurnings Address Directory.

Street starts with:

38 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST ST 4 13
2ND ST 13 51
3RD ST 8 39
4TH ST 20 92
5TH CT 5 17
5TH ST 10 15
6TH ST 24 139
7TH ST 10 216
201ST AVE 73 1,156
202ND AVE 29 142
203RD AVE 33 157
203RD CT 22 51
204TH AVE 3 16
205TH AVE 82 1,751
206TH AVE 8 27
206TH PL 15 33
207TH AVE 3 7
207TH PL 7 22
208TH PL 5 16
211TH AVE 3 15
213TH AVE 27 151
214TH AVE 33 147
215TH AVE 2 5
215TH CT 6 28
216TH AVE 8 38
216TH CT 13 48
217TH AVE 17 72
217TH CT 17 66
218TH AVE 40 222
219TH CT 12 60
220TH AVE 20 104
223RD AVE 12 490
226TH AVE 19 85
226TH CT 14 30
227TH CT 10 39
228TH CT 12 70
229TH CT 10 59
230TH CT 9 39
Street starts with: