Platte Center, Nebraska Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Platte Center, NE for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

458 properties found in Platte Center, NE Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at ArchTurnings Address Directory.

Streets in Platte Center, NE

Street Properties Residents
1ST ST 27 60
2ND ST 18 38
3RD ST 13 37
4TH ST 23 51
5TH ST 10 15
6TH ST 6 10
7TH ST 1 4
205 AVE 3 9
220 AVE 7 28
231 AVE 1 3
235 AVE 8 26
250 AVE 4 9
257 AVE 16 54
261 AVE 2 7
265 ST 7 24
276 ST 6 20
280 AVE 5 13
280 ST 4 7
287 ST 8 44
295 AVE 9 29
295 ST 19 69
307TH ST 2 9
310 AVE 13 52
310 ST 22 69
317 ST 4 18
325 AVE 8 21
325 ST 15 39
340 ST 7 23
355 AVE 1 6
355 ST 22 90
370 ST 17 71
A ST 23 51
B ST 7 22
C ST 19 37
D ST 14 24
G ST 14 24
US HWY 81 1 1