San Bernardino, California Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in San Bernardino, CA for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

96654 properties found in San Bernardino, CA Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at ArchTurnings Address Directory.

Street starts with:

63 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST AVE 242 1,108
2ND AVE 112 561
2ND ST 580 3,546
3RD AVE 223 1,189
3RD ST 400 2,885
4TH AVE 72 284
4TH ST 374 1,876
5TH AVE 7 29
5TH ST 396 2,842
6TH ST 500 2,777
7TH ST 516 2,428
8TH ST 287 2,166
9TH ST 572 5,929
10TH ST 389 2,228
11TH ST 396 2,014
13TH ST 176 1,112
14TH ST 255 1,387
15TH ST 260 1,386
16TH ST 408 2,167
17TH ST 369 2,909
18TH ST 343 1,905
19TH ST 323 2,784
20TH ST 328 1,884
21ST ST 315 1,825
23RD ST 221 1,288
24TH ST 183 898
25TH ST 229 1,489
26TH ST 239 1,196
27TH ST 273 1,375
28TH ST 290 1,332
29TH ST 154 727
30TH ST 98 1,312
31ST PL 9 38
31ST ST 82 399
33RD ST 104 520
34TH ST 112 691
35TH ST 94 440
36TH ST 118 729
37TH ST 28 138
38TH ST 39 158
39TH ST 133 779
40TH ST 195 639
41ST ST 187 1,048
42ND PL 6 27
42ND ST 104 904
43RD ST 79 427
44TH ST 81 842
45TH ST 71 363
46TH ST 42 252
47TH ST 38 169
48TH CT 9 44
48TH ST 198 1,858
49TH ST 93 625
50TH ST 29 108
51ST ST 30 143
52ND ST 38 189
53RD ST 27 164
54TH ST 13 70
55TH ST 26 131
56TH ST 44 254
57TH ST 22 115
58TH ST 27 135
59TH ST 68 305
Street starts with: