Story City, Iowa Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Story City, IA for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

2640 properties found in Story City, IA Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at ArchTurnings Address Directory.

Street starts with:

33 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST ST 39 302
4TH ST 46 157
8TH ST 35 172
100TH ST 9 31
105TH ST 1 9
110TH ST 19 88
115TH ST 9 29
120TH ST 18 78
130TH ST 27 86
135TH LN 6 29
140TH LN 11 49
140TH ST 17 86
142ND ST 2 11
150TH ST 15 64
160TH ST 6 21
170TH ST 3 15
360TH ST 4 17
370TH ST 7 24
380TH ST 19 85
390TH ST 14 63
400TH ST 6 24
500TH AVE 4 11
510TH AVE 8 22
530TH AVE 9 38
550TH AVE 15 63
555TH AVE 2 8
560TH AVE 16 65
567TH AVE 4 11
570TH AVE 7 26
573RD AVE 2 3
580TH AVE 17 72
585TH AVE 2 8
590TH AVE 3 18
Street starts with: