Building Permits
To date, we have no information about building permits in 2025
Apr 6, 2007
Description: Permit adjustment for changes to retaining wall plan for buildings 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the courtyards at lundy townhomes, planned development permit file no. pd04-074.
- Contractor: Charles W Davidson
- Permit #: 2007 010661 CO
Oct 27, 2006
Description: Additional stone veneer on exterior of buildings and change the garage doors.
- Contractor: Charles W Davidson
- Permit #: 2006 031862 CO
Oct 5, 2006
Description: Permit adjustment to modify portions of retaining walls/ locations on condominium units to meet building code requirements; modify sidewalk/entryway to units fronting on public streets for condo units from meandering to straight walkways, and modifications to the landscape plan for the public park consistent with the prns required park improvement plan for this site.
- Contractor: Charles W Davidson
- Permit #: 2006 029587 CO
Aug 12, 2005
Description: Install temp power pole with 5 drops for sales office trailer
- Contractor: Acme & Son Sanitation
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 2005 045069 CI
Aug 4, 2005
Description: Permit adjustment to modify street sections and remove 9 trees less than 56 inches in circumference located within the area to be dedicated for a public park.
- Contractor: Charles W Davidson
- Permit #: 2005 037612 CO
Jun 30, 2005
Description: Two temp sales trailers for tract 9682, one for project villas and the other for project courtyard. with the planning approval # pd 04-074. the work include to install h/c ramp for the elevated trails which are anchoraged to the ground. one h/c portable restroom, a sign 4 ft x8 ft wide with the top 6 feet max from the grade .
- Valuation: $500,000
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 2005 031920 CI
Jun 22, 2005
Description: Two temp sales trailers for tract 9682, one for project villas and the other for project courtyard. with the planning approval # pd 04-074. the work include to install h/c ramp for the elevated trails which are anchoraged to the ground. one h/c portable restroom, a sign 4 ft x8 ft wide with the top 6 feet max from the grade .
- Valuation: $500,000
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 2005 031886 CI
Jun 22, 2005
Description: Installation of driveway for model homes sales center
- Contractor: Charles W Davidson
- Permit #: 2005 031910 IP
Jun 22, 2005
Description: Permit adjustment to allow two tract sales office trailer. (applicant will bring in wet signature of owner on the application, per sw's direction)
- Contractor: Charles W Davidson
- Permit #: 2005 031918 CO
Jun 17, 2005
Description: 9 lot condominium map
- Contractor: Charles W Davidson
- Permit #: 2005 031433 TR
Mar 27, 2000
Description: Elect for 5760 sq ft office area
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 2000 055167 CI
Mar 15, 2000
Description: Int alt of 3142sf office space/
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 2000 054453 CI
Feb 28, 2000
Description: Tenant improvement
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 2000 053365 CI
Jun 18, 1998
Description: Voluntary seismic upgrade
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 1998 059877 CI
Oct 20, 1995
Description: Install low pressure sodium lights in pkg lot
- Permit #: 1995 014592 CI
Feb 27, 1995
Description: Install 80 office landscape partitions
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 1995 002287 RS
Jan 26, 1995
Description: Int alt/walls,doors,etc.
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 1995 000947 CI
Jan 9, 1995
Description: Ti, plumb
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 1995 000287 CI
Jan 6, 1995
Description: Wire alter interior
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 1995 000257 CI
Dec 15, 1994
Description: Int alt/walls,doors,etc.
- Parcel #: 24420025
- Permit #: 1994 047288 CI
Oct 1, 1992
- Permit #: 1992 005552 BD
Jan 28, 1991
- Permit #: 1991 059056 BD
Jan 13, 1989
- Permit #: 1989 077789 BD
Jan 13, 1989
- Permit #: 1989 050866 BD
Feb 11, 1988
- Permit #: 1988 085505 BD
Feb 11, 1988
- Permit #: 1988 044117 BD
Oct 29, 1987
- Permit #: 1987 087174 BD
Oct 20, 1987
- Permit #: 1987 045377 BD
Sep 29, 1987
- Permit #: 1987 086724 BD
Sep 10, 1987
- Permit #: 1987 068463 BD
Feb 8, 1985
- Permit #: 1985 017262 BD
Aug 8, 1984
- Permit #: 1984 045010 BD
Jul 31, 1984
- Permit #: 1984 013608 BD
May 31, 1984
- Permit #: 1984 067812 BD
May 25, 1984
- Permit #: 1984 067761 BD
Mar 9, 1984
- Permit #: 1984 043060 BD
Jan 1, 1900
- Permit #: 1900 041799 BD
Jan 1, 1900
- Permit #: 1900 068463 BD
Mckay Dr Incidents registered in FEMA
(Federal Emergency Management Agency)
To date, we have no information about incidents registered in FEMA in 2025
13 Jun 2015
Dumpster or other outside trash receptacle fire
Property Use —
Vehicle parking area
11 Aug 2011
Building or structure weakened or collapsed
Property Use —
1 or 2 family dwelling
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